Basic Course

5 complete Jumps

Price: netto 2.220,00€   


Our suggestion: Laminated poles

+300€ learn more

consisting of:

10 Wings with aluminum frame

4 Uprights, 163cm high

20 Heartwood poles with plastic caps

40 Cups, 25mm deep

Hindernisbau Rumann manufactures obstacles and matching accessories for training and tournament with modern machines on 4.000m² in Delbrück Boke. We deliver worldwide.

Feel free to contact us with
your questions, wishes or ideas!

Get in touch

Hindernisbau Rumann GmbH & Co. KG
Taubenweg 2
33129 Delbrück-Boke
Fon: +49 5250 998 7700
Fax: +49 5250 53514
You are welcome to contact us.
By phone, mail or just come over.
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