Produkt - Bild


The lunge cavaletti are ideally suited for the work on the lunge correctly self- and stretching posture of the forse.

Preis: 169,00€ + VAT

Four cavaletti are a correct obstacle.


Even at a significant forward-down stretch the half-heigt blocks preventsnagging the lunge. Because of the flexible usability the lunging cavaletti is optimal for the everyday work in all three gaints. 

Two stacked lunge cavaleeti match the height of a normal cavaletti.

Hindernisbau Rumann manufactures obstacles and matching accessories for training and tournament with modern machines on 4.000m² in Delbrück Boke. We deliver worldwide.

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your questions, wishes or ideas!

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Hindernisbau Rumann GmbH & Co. KG
Taubenweg 2
33129 Delbrück-Boke
Fon: +49 5250 998 7700
Fax: +49 5250 53514
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